Saturday, November 6, 2010

Laser Hair Removal

Oh what an interesting time! Where to begin? Well I have been waxing for quiet sometime and thought I'd give something more permanent a try. Basically you are supposed to shave everything you want lasered. I had been waxed about 5 weeks ago
so they gave me a beard trimmer and I did a quick once over to knock down
any stubble. I was a tiny nervous at first since you're naked in front of someone you just met. I sat in a treatment chair, naked from the waist down, you can have a towel draped but really what's the point? You can be very specific as to what you want zapped! I did from my knees up, pretty much a full brazilian this time but in the future treatments I'll leave the pubic region alone. I'll stick more to the bikini sides, the shaft, around the sac and underneath to the perenium. Also my back, shoulders, and around the sides of my neck. I have a little scaring above my shaft, and they said a little laser there would help take away those scars.
My next treatment is December 16th and I'm already excited. What did it feel like?
A quick flick with a rubber band, but the pain doesn't linger. Kind of wierd. It's instantaneous and then gone. I did have a couple sensitive spots, behind my knees and just outside the bikini line. Other than that it was quick and bare-able ;-)
This is a picture of me one day after. No side effects, bumps or redness whatsoever.

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